Thursday, August 5, 2010

nickel element

NICKEL. A silvery-white metal, symbol Ni, first isolated in 1751, but
used in alloy form with copper since ancient times. Nickel has a specific
gravity of 8.902, or a density of 0.322 lb/in3 (8,913 kg/m3), and is
magnetic up to 680°F (360°C). Its electrical conductivity is 25% that
of copper, and its thermal conductivity is 48 Btu/(ft h °F) [83 W/(m
K)]. The metal is highly resistant to atmospheric corrosion and resists
most acids, although it is attacked by oxidizing acids, such as nitric.
Sulfide ores and oxide ores are its principal sources, and its principal

use is as an alloying element in stainless steels, alloy steels, and nonferrous
metals. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride are
battery materials. The latter, a candidate for electric-powered vehicles,
has provided twice the energy density of the common lead-acid
battery and up to 60% capacity recharge in 15 minutes. Traditionally
obtained mainly by smelting, nickel has recently been increasingly
obtained by acid-pressure leaching. Plants in Australia use sulfuric
acid to leach nickel laterite, an oxide also containing cobalt (onetenth
the nickel). The two metals are then recovered by solvent
extraction and electrowinning.

From the materials handbook an excerpt

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I learned many things about nickle because of this post. Now, I want to research more about it. Nickel alloys are also being used by several people for their projects at home or in their businesses because of its many uses.

    Thanks for sharing the informative post, TKtrader!


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